Worship- A Spoken Word.

Today, this day, I will worship the Lord. 
Not just my mouth but my heart does sing.
The dance I dance is not one of my body but of my soul.
The dance of obedience
that begs me to be whole.
My song and dance surrender
the spotlight and the praise I so long for-
it’s not what I was made for.
My King takes center stage. 
True worship is not achieved when I push to be the best
and better than the rest-
but when I love.
Worship does not exhaust you.
If you are trying too hard it’s not worship.
Worshipping God is like taking a breath of air,
it becomes a part of you,
its in the heart of you
and there is a rhythm to your life.
Worship is real when theres a halt to your strife.
When we stop thinking God owes us something,
when we accept His way,
when we don’t think we know better,
when we walk into the unknown
simply because God is known
and nothing else matters. 
Well that’s what I call worship. 
Worship and pride are not at all friends.
Where pride starts is where worship shall end.
Lay down your crowns and pick up your cross.
Lose your life so you can find it-
be reminded
you can sing all day
and have the prettiest words to say
but if you’re head’s too big 
it’s time to deflate it.
Rearrange it.
Prioritize and 
For God will not take second place to 
His creation.
He does not back down. 
He is jealous for you,
and when you give Him yourself
He is satisfied.
And that is what I call worship.
And when this seed of self begins to die
it finally begins to live.
My bones are healed 
and wounds are sealed.
My blindness can see
and my muteness can speak.
And my lameness can now walk.
In this dying to myself
I now can dance and sing anew.
This is worship, this is true.
So come alive and come awake.
And today, this day, let us worship the Lord.
By: Patricia Paras


  1. Absolutely terrific, thank you for reminding me that worship is not work, and God doesn't take 2nd place to his creation.
    This is beautiful!


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