
“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”   -James 5:16, NKJV
“The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with” -James 5:16, MSG
I truly do believe in the supernatural power of prayer, but often my life does not display that. I pray often just in passing thoughts or good intentions. I am not intentional or consistent nearly enough. Prayer is a sign that love goes on for others and for the world even when they are not right in front of us. It is easy to love people when we see them and talk to them, but may I be a woman that loves well and prays well though I am alone! Maturity is shown when we seek the welfare of others with our time and with our heart’s devotion. I am sorry that I have so little faith that I often give up on people and on situations and do not continually plead with God. He listens. I know He does. Papa is softened by the repetitive cries and pleadings of His children. 
I pray that I may learn how to pray and that my love for others continues to grow. Jesus says that things will be done to us according to our faith (Matthew 9:29), so I pray that my faith will be great and my prayers many. 


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