I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord more than
the watchmen wait for the morning.
-Psalm 130:5-6

Lord, I will wait for You. I don't know what makes me repetitively think that what I want is what is best, or is actually what I really want. What I want, in all reality, is You. And I am getting You. You are teaching me patience and dependency, but it's almost like I am not used to it. I almost feel like I am subconsciously resisting. But God, I really don't want to! I really, fa' real, only want what You want. I have lived so long by my own action and motivation. Please teach my soul to desire you like the morning, more than I desire anything else. May I be eager to wait, just because I know that what you bring will be better than anything I could achieve on my own.

You have led me from valleys of sorrow to rivers of joy.
(Good song!)


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